Category Archives: poetry

I will


I will love you
I will  love you  always
Like you are mine
You will be mine
With all of me
Every moment
I will adore you
I will let you play in my thoughts
Only you will occupy my thoughts
I will make up silly thoughts about you
I will  dream  of  you
I will create lovely dreams about you.
In those dreams
I will dance with you in the rain
and  I will  kiss you
When I pick up my pen
I will write to you
Sweet words
truthful  words
will  I write  about you
I will Scribble your name on paper
I will draw you
Paint you
Make sculptures of you
Tattoo your name on my  skin
Even on my heart’s tablet will your name be engraved
I will sing to you
Sing for you
Sing about you
I will smile 
I will smile  always
Because  your name will pop up in my mind
every time I think happy  thoughts
I will let you into my world
My world will be built for you
I will love you
I will make you mine
In my mind
Without  your knowledge.




Wild rose, woodsy, musky
All meshed  in one.
This fragrance reminds me of him.
Smells stronger than the pheromones he emits.
Soft sillage, waft subtly 
engulfing my essence
As he gallops across my mind
(He does that always)
This fragrance reminds me of our first kiss 
The breathtaking  one we had in my mind
it’s not like I had ever met him in person.
I bet he’ll smell like this when we eventually  meet.

– Amity4

You lost Me


You lost me the day you tried to change me
You became a hazy, fuzzy, repressed memory
Locked in the jail of my unconscious  
Where all my heart breakers dwell

You were perfect for me until the day you tried to change me
When my dreams became repulsiveto you
And my aspirations started to nauseate you
You dethroned yourself as the queen of my heart

You held the key to my soul until the day you tried to change me
You, thinking I am faulty and I need fixing
How dare you dash my hope this way?
You, I thought  loved me for me.

You broke me the day you tried to change  me
You, who fixed my brokenness
You promised  forever
Now, we have never.




Lately, I dread the the call of dusk

‘cos night times are so unpleasant 

Those scary monsters come out to play

Invading my mind,

Sucking at my brain,

flossing their teeth with my locks.

Sticking their bloody fangs in my veins

Bloody blood suckers,

they want me dead

so that they can munch at my heart.

My eyes rotate helplessly in their sockets,

trying to manipulate the gruesome visions.

Mean! Mean! Monsters.

Cowards they are, lurking in the dark,

preying on an helpless insomniac like me.

Insomniac pleading for just an hour!

An hour to experience Sweet dreams.



Let Me Tell You A Story.

A long time ago,

I was born a day before my soulmate,

Very, many miles apart.

My first encounter with this soul

Was through a gift they gave a friend.

Simple was the gift

Yet it told me much about the giver.

Very many months after I’d beheld the gift,

The binding cord tugged at my heart

and my soul knew no rest.

I never thought we would cross path.

As fate would have it,

We met by chance

At a random convention.

We got talking soul to soul.

Life was beautiful and perfect

Till we crossed the line.

We started a fire we could not quench.

We got burnt; body, mind and soul.

But alive we are to tell the tale

Of first, true love and soul match.

We went our ways,

Very, many miles apart

But our souls stayed connected


The hurt, the pain, the longing and all

That comes with  separation.

We sometimes meet in our memories.

Our hearts  still beat in unison.

We hope to meet before the curtain draws.

This is where the story ends


For now.



    Photo: AmityPhoto: Amity

She rises gracefully, 

peeps through the gloomy clouds,

kisses the face of her beloved.

A daily ritual, meted out religiously.

Beads of words string together

in the mind of her beloved,

Unwilling they flow through her pen,

Hopefully, to be embraced by all.

Once again their job is done.

Tomorrow they shall rise again

Hopeful, higher grounds, they shall gain

As they toil together in their separate ways.


Image : google

I have got a snake in my skull,
It is eating up my brain
I do not mind, you see
The snake will be my brain.

I gave the dog my bone
It’s just my tibia, you see
I got more than enough 
I don’t mind sparing one.

I told the lion off,
it ate half my bruised heart,
I do not mind, you see
I’ll replace it with iron.

I fed the cat my blood
Just a pint, you see
It loves it more than milk
It’s organic and red.

I did see the Eagle
before It plucked my eye
My twitching left eye
It never said thank you.

I dived into the sea.
I fed me to the shark,
The most reluctant shark
It ate me with no pleasure.

Amity4 🔏

Soul match

You name sits permanently on my lips

Your thought is engraved on my mind

My heart dances at the sight of you

These silly collywobbles won’t let my tummy rest

Yet, I will not claim your love

for your soul does not match my soul.

I see the desire in your eyes

You give your all,

You break the walls to let me in.

Still I cannot return your love

For this heart of mine long to beat for another.

Do not wait. Do not hope.

This soul of mine won’t settle for less.


image :

Them I so love, I let into my cove.

I offered them my widow’s mite 

To keep their tears out of sight.

Ingrate, spiteful , contemptuous lot,

ganged up to waste me by night.

Robbed me, broke me inside out.

dumped me on ‘Sheimon’s’ bight 

Nature must have joined their crew

Shunned my cry, wept on me.

Mercilessly, blinded my poor sight.

Poured so hard, mocked my pitiful plight.

How broken can a broken soul be

For them to leave to rest in pieces.