Monthly Archives: March 2016

dear dairy (lost chance)

Dear you,

I am so sorry,  I am not who I  used to be. I changed. You changed me.

You taught me how  to live without you. It was hard, but I learned. 

I see how you long for things to be as it were before the break.

I would have loved it so,  few months ago when i was near death.

I , hoping you would show up or at least replied my messages.

You never did.

You see, the truth is I  killed the me you used to know so as to live.

You can never meet that me again.

Maybe it wasn’t a good idea letting you back into my life after all.

Let the truth be told , I was really doing well without you and you know it.

You had your chance but you chose to treat me like you did.

I had never been so hurt in my life and will never be.

Yours brokenhearted G.